Friday, June 27, 2008

Ramen Update

I have located Ramen priced at $2.25 for 12. For the record, my poop schedule is still normal, 17 times a day.

$3 a Day Ramen Diet Day 2

I weighed myself today. I was tipping the scale at a Rubenesque 185. I weighed yesterday and I was at 200. I've lost 15 pounds in one day!!! I think I need to get a new scale.

one packet of Ramen with 1/2 a flavor packet(Beef): $.09- 380 calories
one Diet Soda: $.60- 0 calories

one packet of Ramen no flavor pack: $.09- 380 CALORIES
1/3 pound ground beef: $.75- 518 calories
cream of chicken soup: $.25- 75 calories
one diet soda: $.60- 0 calories

one packet of Ramen with 1/2 a flavor packet (chicken): $.09- 380 calories
handful of cashews: $.50- 156 calories
I drank water: $.00- 0 calories

$2.97 total for day 2

At the end of the day I'm feeling just peachy, although I have noticed that I haven't pooped yet.

I'm looking for some delicious Ramen dessert ideas

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Super Ramen Me?

Ramen has been a staple of college students for years. It's so cheap, and oh so good. I think I can even remember eating a Ramen sandwich once when I was in college.

Ramen was brought to America in 1972, the same year I was born, and it's also Asian. Destiny is the only word that can describe my kinship with Ramen.

Yesterday I overheard a phone conversation between Josh the Viking and his soon to be viking queen:

Queen: You need to save money
Josh: I do
Queen: How about all those McDonald's runs?
Josh: It's not that much
Queen: Yeah right
Josh: Fine I'll just start eating...uhm
Violent Farmer: Tell her Ramen
Josh: Ramen! I'll go on a diet of Ramen for a month
Queen: You'll never make it
Josh: Watch me

end of phone call

At this point my first thought was "He'll never make it", then I thought "hey you know what? I could stand to shed a few LB's, and if I can save enough money in the process to to afford gas to get to work, then this might not be a bad idea". So we decided to invent the $3 a Day Ramen Diet.

Here are the rules
#1. You are allowed $3 a day to spend on meals, including drinks.
#2. You can eat whatever you want as long as it is mixed up in the Ramen.

We found a store with Ramen on sale 12 for a dollar, which comes out to $.25 per day. That leaves $2.75 to spend on drinks and whatever else we want to mix with the Ramen- so far so good. Due to the fact that we only have $2.75 to work with, I have a feeling, water will be the main choice of beverage.
One of the first problems we encountered with this diet was the massive amounts of sodium- 1960mg per meal. After reading the nutritional facts on the package, we realized that most of this comes from the flavor packages included with each meal, so we made $3 a Day Ramen Diet rule#3

#3. If you use the flavor packets (not mandatory), you can only use half a packet or less due to sodium content.

I've decided to blog each of my days meals and keep you updated on its effects.

$3 a Day Ramen Diet day one (started at lunch)

one package of Ramen w/ half a flavor pack- 380 calories, $.09
half a can of mixed vegetables mixed in- 40 calories, $.24
Diet Soda- 0 calories, $.60

one package of Ramen w/ half a flavor pack- 380 calories, $.09
handful of cashews mixed in- 156 calories, $1.00

$2.62 total spent

At the end of the day I'm feeling great

(please feel free to offer up any cheap ramen recipes you might think of)