Friday, June 27, 2008

$3 a Day Ramen Diet Day 2

I weighed myself today. I was tipping the scale at a Rubenesque 185. I weighed yesterday and I was at 200. I've lost 15 pounds in one day!!! I think I need to get a new scale.

one packet of Ramen with 1/2 a flavor packet(Beef): $.09- 380 calories
one Diet Soda: $.60- 0 calories

one packet of Ramen no flavor pack: $.09- 380 CALORIES
1/3 pound ground beef: $.75- 518 calories
cream of chicken soup: $.25- 75 calories
one diet soda: $.60- 0 calories

one packet of Ramen with 1/2 a flavor packet (chicken): $.09- 380 calories
handful of cashews: $.50- 156 calories
I drank water: $.00- 0 calories

$2.97 total for day 2

At the end of the day I'm feeling just peachy, although I have noticed that I haven't pooped yet.

I'm looking for some delicious Ramen dessert ideas

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