Saturday, April 16, 2005

Don't be Blue Week 4 Haiku

The wait is over ladies and gentlemen, we have our first official haiku entry with an improper syllable count.
I was waiting for this to happen so I could dish out my very first"to drunk to count" award (2D2C for short).
And the winner of the first ever 2D2C is:

You all are extremely
sick and need to Get A Life
like everyone else

by- Anonymous

Anonymous, I counted that first line like 10 times and I came up with 6 syllables every time. Congratulations you are officially "to drunk to count".
You will have a shiny new"2D2C" button waiting for you in the office.

Keep counting and drinking anonymous, keep counting and drinking.

And now for the actual week 4 haiku winner:
I can't find my car
It's somewhere near the bar

by- MD

Nice job MD.
You win mainly because you reminded me that I need to go down town and find where I left my car last night.
You join DLS and the week 1 winner, battling it out for that cool first place prize.

Now here is a haiku to get you started for this weeks contest:

i, like Cher, wish that
i also could turn back time
only not so far

Good luck with the drinking and counting

ps- There is going to be a comedy act before my show on Friday (8:00), and if you want to go let me know so I can reserve a table.


Anonymous said...

Lampshade on my head
I will never drink again,
Who wrote on my face?

Holding you tightly,
cool porcelain feels so good,
I love you toilet.

Anonymous said...

Ninety nine bottles,
Take one down, pass it around,
Why not get a keg?

Anonymous said...

The Last Time

three smokes and no light.
need to go home but no ride
burned all my bridges.


Anonymous said...

Well, I finally found it! Quite entertaining. You crack me up.