Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Drunken Resolution

I have a confession. I haven't gotten drunk in a while. I think this has definitely put a damper on the creative spot in my brain, so I have decided to take an idea from Travis, and do a Blog New Years Resolution.

So here it is:

1) I resolve to get drunk
2) I also resolve to meet one new person while I'm drunk and write about them on the blog at least once a week.

These may sound like stupid resolutions to you, but in reality they are quite ingenious. First of all I'll be drunk which is never bad until the next day, second I'll have something to freaking blog about, and third It's an awesome way to meet chicks. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier.


Violent Farmer said...

Have you heard some the crap I come up with? I gotta be drunk.

TheNotQuiteRightReverend said...

I think you have come up with some fine resolutions, Paulie. You are willing to do whatever it takes to develop your art. That makes you a true artist. I had a poetry teacher in college who said to the class, "I'm not telling you that you should drink and do drugs to help you be more creative, but if you have found something that works for you, then who am I to tell you to stop?" I got an "A" in that class...

Sheriff Liz said...

I have always thought drinking makes you a better person