Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The Newest Violent Farmer (Its official!)

As if I had been knighted by the Queen of England herself, Paul invited me to become a contributor to his blog. "It will be my distinct honor so serve you, your Majesty," I said to her. She was not a pretty woman, but I felt oddly attracted to her none the less. It did seem strange that she looked Chinese, and had a goatee; but then again I had been drinking for quite a while. We both had. The next morning when I woke up in her four post bed, her man-servant brought me a bloody mary. "Thanks," I sheepishly responded. He said, "I haven't seen him quite this happy in ages. Thank you so much." I suddenly realized that I had in fact slept with a hairy Chinese man while in a drunken stupor. Boy, was I embarrassed! I had to get out of there fast. Paul had already left for work so while I stuffed my wadded up underwear into the bottom of my man-purse I decided to sneak out the back door with what little dignity I had left. The End.


Violent Farmer said...

It has been my experience that Chinese men as a rule are not hairy. I think you may have slept with a Bigfoot. Did you get any snapshots?

Welcome aboard.

TheNotQuiteRightReverend said...

Maybe we should have a "Most Embarrassing Sexual Encounter with Paul" essay contest. The winner will get his memory wiped clean so that he/she will not have to recollect the incident in the future.

Seamhead said...

I remember the first time Paul woke up in Lloyd's bed . . .

Passerby A said...

I'm not a man, but I'm kinda hairy. Can I be a Violent Farmer too?