Monday, January 16, 2006

What the F- - -?

What the hell is happening? The other day I saw a commercial for a new reality series. Personally I am a fan of reality TV shows. Where else am I going to have the chance to see Mini Me standing on his motorized chair bare ass naked pissing in a corner after Peter Brady got him all drunked up on two glasses of wine. That's just great TV, I don't care who you are. But I was watching Football and this commercial comes on for this new reality show called Skating with Celebrities. What? Have we officially opened up the gates of hell. Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce the four horsemen of the apocalypse- Pestilence, War, Famine, and Skating with Celebrities. Who came up with this idea? Who held this big meeting and goes "Hey you know what sport is really popular? Figure Skating!!" or "Hey you know what celebrities we should get- Dave Coulier and Todd Bridges" or even better who convinced these guys that Dave Coulier and Todd Bridges are celebrities?

Well I for one am not going to take it. And to foil their obvious attempt to make people turn off their TV and do something constructive, I have decided to call their bluff and watch every damn episode. They won't know what hit 'em. In fact I'm encouraging everyone out there reading this to tune in and do their part to fight the TV killers with me. As a matter of fact I'm going to start a "Drunken Skating with Celebrities Fantasy League". There's six teams of two made up of one pro skater, and one psudo celebrity. I'm taking Jillian Barberie & John Zimmerman (?) as my team and I'm putting an official Paul & the Violent Farmers T-Shirt on it. I need five more players. Who want's to help me fight the Man? First come first serve on the teams. Just take your pick.


TheNotQuiteRightReverend said...

Dude, its gonna be Kurt Browning and Debbie Gibson. Debbie Gibson can dance which is like skating with out the ice. Jillian Barberie's only talent is looking slutty. Gotta give it to the dancer over the Fox Football weather slut. Count me in, Paulie.

Violent Farmer said...

Ok, three down and three to go. Better hurry or you'll end up with Bruce Jenner.

Seamhead said...

I'll take Bruce Jenner. Is Bob Saggett in this? If there's a chance of Bruce Jenner tossing Bob Saggett I might even watch.

Seamhead said...

This show can't hold a candle to the Rollerderby extravaganza on A&E.

Sheriff Liz said...

Can I just go ahead and Say Uncle Joey even though he has already been picked? I wonder if he will incorporate that stupid woodchuck puppet into his choreography.