Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Another Try at Passing the Baton

Ok, Ok. I'll try again. Sorry about that last baton pass. I didn't know he'd say 'Our fair Paul.' I didn't know he'd write 'Mianmar.' Even if he could spell it I still wouldn't know where the hell it is. And I sure as hell didn't know he liked flannel sheets. And for those who asked, sorry guys, he's married to a woman.

If you guys still want to do it, we can set him on fire. I don't want to see him in a loin cloth again though. Once, Once.

So, let's try someone new. Josh are you there? Are you afraid to post? Don't be. If it sucks we'll just make fun of you and call you names. That's not so bad is it?

Paulie and I also took the extraordinary steps of inviting our blog pal Howdy aboard. Mainly, because he likes making fun of Jeff almost as much as we do.

Also, I will finally post something good over the long weekend. I've been working on a tale about the myriad ways Paulie has been shot down by women.

1 comment:

Passerby A said...

It's "Myanmar", darlings...