Thursday, May 26, 2005

Gently Holding the Baton for a Short Period

Yep. Call the authorities. I do exist. It's me, the infamous Josh. I know many of you, mostly Roger, began to think that me posting was as likely as Pauls Columbia show not getting rained out. But, after Rogers invitation, I decided that perhaps it was time. Just what to post about I am unsure of, so I decided that I would do what I do best, bitch. Lets begin with gas prices. I'm not going to bitch about how high they are, but I am going to bitch about WHY they are so high? Granted the fact that we will soon run out of fossil fuels quicker then you can say "Bulldoze more Alaskan Tundra" but the biggest reason, or so I believe, that gas prices are so high is because of those soccer moms who feel the need to drive an SUV the size of a greyhound bus. Seriously, do you know that Fords full size SUV "Excursion" is over 20 feet long. You could seriously get lost in that thing. Why don't people just start to drive RV's everywhere? So while I'm filling up my 30cc Toyota Corolla, Billy the neighbor kids Mom has just drove 3.3 feet and it's time to go back to the gas station. And here I am paying higher gas prices because of it. Do you realize they charge these prices because we let them. Lets move on. I'm I the only one who is extremely angry about the 1,600 + American men and women who have died in Iraq? Didn't the Bush crime family declare mission accomplished 2 years ago. Enough is enough. Our president has broken the law, went against the U.N., and has made the liberals of America look like godless bastards, and no one is upset? I guess since he didn't cheat on his wife we cant impeach him.

Sorry to bring negative thoughts to the blog, but that's all I could think to post. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Seamhead said...

Good work Josh. I love it.