Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Birthday Alert

Yes my birthday is Friday, thank you for asking.
I hope to last longer than last year when I had a pinata filled with little airplane size booze bottles. I felt it my duty to down as many of them as possible, in as as little time as possible. I remember swinging at the pinata then waking up the next morning with the distinct feeling that I need to call up everyone that was at my party and apologize (not sure what I was apologizing for, just knew it needed to be done). The pinata birthday was actually tame compared to the year before when I woke up the day after with my pants on and my underwear in the trash. This year I'm taking precautions by steering clear of pinatas and duct taping my underwear down.


Anonymous said...

So you're telling me that a pinata with mini bottles of booze is not what you want for your birthday this year?? Dammit, I already bought everything. Oh wait, I'm having flashbacks of helping carry you up the stairs and flipping you every hour or so to make sure you were still breathing...so maybe that's not such a good idea :) FYI--You might want to re-think the duck tape thing, just don't wear any underware and then you don't have to worry about losing them.

Violent Farmer said...

Maybe I could wear some of those swimming trunks with the bilt-in underwear.

Anonymous said...

But I thought those chaffed your sensitive skin? :)

Seamhead said...

it will be worse when you wake up with your pants on and your underwear in tatters with only the waistband still taped around your waist.

TheNotQuiteRightReverend said...

I look forward to seeing the pictures of your party posted on The Smoking Gun website. Preferably a disheveled mugshot, but I'd settle for some embarrassing crime scene photos. Happy birthday Paulie!

Violent Farmer said...

Ive never been disheveled in my life.