Monday, July 04, 2005

I'm not sure if this will offend anyone, but I thought this was a pretty awesome picture of "W". He's looking pretty hot with his unibrow. :)

I thought it might be a good topic to write a haiku about, but I couldn't think of anything to rhyme with dumbass....maybe one of your regular bloggers can think of something. :)

--Aim Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...


Glad you weren't offended. As a frequent reader of Paul's blog, I was pretty sure I wouldn't offend his regular "posters". I found this picture before I saw him on television Monday night at a 4th of July "celebration". He sat in the audience with a smug look on his face, bopping his idiotic head to the music while men and women were losing their lives due to his arrogance. Makes me sick to even look at his picture now. I'm hoping that the old addage "what comes around goes around" will stand true, and he'll get what he deserves eventually. Sorry, just had to vent a little 'W' anger this morning...

Violent Farmer said...

Nice first submission Aimee- 12points (if you would of had a pic with him eating 37 hot dogs you would have got double)